Product-as-a-Service Workshop

A one day workshop for those interested in new business models. Product-as-a-Service is becoming increasingly popular, yet there are some very basic guidelines you need to follow. This workshop differs from other The Nine Steps Towards a Circular Business classes in as much as the team exercise is the actual workshop.

What’s Covered in this Workshop

The contents of this workshop are briefly covered in Step Six of The Nine Steps Towards a Circular Business. We use The Nine Steps Cards™ that have been specially designed for this one day workshop.

1. Start a PaaS company team exercise

2. Learn about: Total  Cost of Ownership / Total Cost of Service / Total Cost of Usage and the Sharing Economy

3. What does your customer really want?

4. Your value proposition?

5. The importance of service design

6. The fundamentals of a performance-based contract


Want to know more?


This workshop is part of The Nine Steps Towards a Circular Business. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at any time.

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